Friday, May 25, 2012

Those Who Wish To Sing Always Find A Song

Hey everyone,I know it's been a long time since I've updated my blog. Well, the reasons were due to upcoming final exams(it's over now) and the lagging wifi connection in my college,well eventually they blocked facebook and all.....Youtube was blocked way before that(IKR!!!)....well guess what? ITS ALL IN THE BIN NOW!!! MATRICULATION LIFE HAS FINALLY REACHED A HALT on the 26th of April 2012(fulllstoppppppppppp)...phewww....I dont have to suffer anymore...well it was a worthy experience though and I'm really glad I entered matrics because there's so muchhhhhhhhh I've learned....haha remember I told you guys that I would be blogging about my life in matrics??...well I will of course but not according to chronology. I will be inserting snippets of what happened to me there under major titles regarding myself and as you can see, the title for today is about.....SINGING! haha...and yes I will be bragging about it listen!! I loveeeeeee to sing!!! Haha.. I dunno whuuaaiiiii but there's always that strong urge to sing whenever there's a song playing either in my phone, in the car, in the radio, in the malls, etc...but don't imagine me going all crazy in the mall, grabbing microphones and La Carlotta my wayyyy through it..NAWW!!! I sing it to myself laa..pfftt!!! HAHA...but I have been having a problem...MY VOICE IS SO WAY DEEP!!! T_T....ARGHH!!!!! it kills my bursting singing spirit to have a toad voice...well not exactly toad la..its nice when I sing WITHOUT THE HELP OF A MICROPHONE...Microphones are such killerss they drown my voice and makes it go even not to mention I already have enough on my plate thank you!!!....and since I always sing girlsss songgg....I tend to reach higher notess wayy crossing the line of my vocal range...and then my voice breaks....I hate it when my actual head voice  could not really follow the tune of the song...Im always off-tune!! SO much problems..and yet I wanna sing...ok the most dangerous and the bravest thing I had done was to join the Talent Competition in JMC!! O_______O!! arghhhh I did regrettt itttt...butttt arghh ok let me insert the snippet of what happened!(Notice the so many 'arghhhss' which means it was a nightmare)OK the first singing competition held in college was the Voice Out Aloud Competition organised by the Science Department and ...I think in collaboration with the English Unit as well (not sure). I did not take part in it because...actually there's been a whole lotta activities going on during the Science Week but I was totally ignorant about any of yeahh! And then I went to watch the contestants sing on the stage..ok what's so different about this competition is that..the lyrics must all have scientific cannot be the original of my friend Miss Naqibahh chose Teenage Dreams(Katy Perry) and changed the lyrics to terms that is related with photosynthesis, glucose, oxygen and water. It was a good piece of work and the song turned out I was in the audience and I watched every single one go up on stage and sang like superstarss...we(me and my friends) cheered for every single contestants..tak kisahlahh whether they sing good or bad...but most of them were goodlah...Fong Shelhiel my other friend won the competition and I had to admit he deserved it...He composed his own song titled Biodiversity! It was so cool I could keep singing it all day! haha his voice was superr nicee..well its his game la...he is all into this singing, composing and all this cool stuffs..he sings in concerts and all I think ..I think he gets invitation to come and sing at places ..something like yeah he knows his actually I kinda regret a tinyy lil bit that I didn't enter..but nevermindlaa!!!And then the second and last singing competition JMC GOT TALENT 2012 was held.....well ergh...actually i have very veryyy low self esteem laa...kept thinking "Does my voice sound great?".....all the poor friends were interrogated by me...pity! So I decided (afterrrrrrrrrrr muchhhhhhhhhhh thinkinggggggg and grumblinggggggg) to enter and the auditions were two days after I registered! Greatlahh..I registered for both solo and a duet with Naqibah! GREEDY MUCH!!....arghhh I didnt know what to do i practiced the "Two Is Better Than One"(Boys Like Girls ft Taylor Swift)...awww GOSH!!!!!!! that song was so harddd on my voicee....i struggled a lot, I tell you to reach the notes and to keep myself in tune....meletoplaaa!!!...for the solo category, I was planning to sing "Skyscraper"(Demi Lovato). Seelahhh dahlah that demi sings as if her voice is coming out of her nostrils or sumthin...and my vocal range certainly kept me from hitting the high notes....I didnt know what possessed me to enter(or to choose that song)..but it was too late to regret and auditions came!!....My turn was number 10!....I have one of my other good friends in it too. Her name is Nurlisa Azizul (everyone calls her Lisa) and she has a band called Summer In September...HER SINGING I TELL YOU!!!!! YOU CAN DIE OF HAPPINESS LISTENING TO HER VOICE!!! It was the embodiment of a young Adele and coincidentally she sang "Someone Like You"(Adele) on that day without accompanied by music!! OH GAWSHHHH!!! IF EVERYONE WAS BLIND, THEY WOULD HAVE THOUGHT ADELE WAS IN THAT HALL THAT NIGHT!!!...awwww!!! i wishedddd i could sing like her la.....T_T...then my turn came. STUPID MICROPHONE IT DROWNED MY VOICE!!!....dahlah singing skyscraper and the background music was so slow i couldnt hear it and couldnt keep up with i was both OFFKEY and OFFTUNE that night!! WOW!! (STANDING OVATION!) I just embarassed myself..and after I was done I was praying for the judges to not pick me!..worst night of my life.Perioddd!!!And guess what? I WAS THE TOP 5 FINALIST IN THE SOLO CATEGORY to compete in the finals! Ok the [caps lock] was due to disappointment not exhilaration! DIELAAAAAA...the lecturers gave me another chance to embarass myself...and this time in front of the whole college!!!! So okay...I tried to be positive...they wouldn't make me the finalist if i did sound  bad right??? So in the finals..I was planning to sing old know like Disney kinda songs...Elton John....John Lennon..Bryan Adams...but I eventually picked a song "We Are One" from Lion King 2...remember?? it was a very nice song...not evergreen but i felt peaceful hearing it...and I could certainly reach the I downloaded the song and wrote down the lyrics.(Thanks Sangari for lending me your laptop and broadband! ^ ^) I started memorising! Then at one point several days later, Fong (now the emcee of JMC Got Talent) came up to me and told me to change my song to something more energetic and lively...a song where everyone can sing along together with me...=.="..come on lahh...I already have offtune and offkey issues...I couldn't reach Bruno Mars's note....let alone Adam Levine's....haih..this is going to take a toll on me....I couldn't even change the keys from the original song to suit my voice coz I don't know how to play you see..Im a noob at this...! T_T..haha so the struggles and the embarassment..grr....I didn't concentrate on my studies at all...I was left out in so many topiccs...and finalss were coming nearer! greatlahh..Only God knows what I went thru...the last minute song changing....and all...what i finally sang on the real day was "Watcha Say" by Jason Derulo. =.=" It ws quite hard to hit the high notes but damnnlaa!!! There was a full dress rehearsal two days before the real competition...and my turn was last! Omg when I sang We Are One...everyone gave a "=_____=" face it was so embarassing!...Then my friends, Naqibah, Lisa, and Khairun rushedd to the stagee and asked me to change the song to Skyscraper..the one I sang during auditions...actually Skyscraper was way better but there were some parts where i couldnt hit the high notes....Im sure you've heard the song before and Lisa said even girls couldn't hit that note but she said boys probably could...I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH MY VOICE!!! It was fine at first but then it started getting deeper and all........felt like cryingggg arghhh...but I didnt la...I mean something I'm so passionate about doing...but circumstances and my own VOICE is against me! So the BIG DAY came...and when it was my turn...I shivered to death...grrr.....I finally sanglahh...realising that my voice did break at one embarassing.....and then MEI MEI came up stage and gave me a small bouquet of flowers...thanks meimei!!! I couldnt even appreciate that since I was obsessed with the faults of my voice...well when it was all over...I was so relieved....i promised I would never sing again!! But my friend NAVEEN encouraged me to keep singing....he told me to compose my own song where my voice wouldn't be comparable to see if u start singing someone else's song they would start comparing your voice with the original singer's! My bestie NASH did help me so much to overcome this...he gave me motivation and super encouragement. I was bugging him all the time while he was preparing for his finals which was just around the corner!! SORRY NASH!! But he still managed to motivate me!! THANKS BESTIE!!! I really wanted to sing so much and I'll see to what depths of the ocean I could  put my efforts to improve my singing! Hoping for the best!

Till my next post..............Ciaoo!!!
